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Last updated for corrections on 12th Jan 2019.


2018/19 The hiding

The actual submission skeleton argument is '2018 Magistrates' on the left menu.

Why are Cheshire police desperate to gag Tom Dobbie ?

Why have John Dwyer, David Keane, Janette McCormick and many others in Cheshire police carried out a reign of terror over Tom Dobbie and his children ?

Answer - they are covering up their own crimes and mistakes.

The more you research into this truth, the worse it gets; so I will just give an example of how evil these people are.

[ Using code names of 'Alice' and 'Ben' here to assist in protecting the victim children].

The children and dad have a long history of physical and mental abuses by their mum. This is evidenced in social service and other reports. When mum assaults her toddler Ben yet again, dad stops her. In retaliation mum phones Cheshire police and lies saying she has been assaulted. Cheshire police have a policy of believing women in all cases of domestic violence (I have copies of their posters and policy at that time which even included the Dulluth wheel to spread hatred of men). They arrest dad, do not investigate and put dad on bail not to go near his own home. Dad tells them they are putting the children into harms way, and he can show social services reports with this in it. The police laugh at dad, and subsequently the children are abused more by mum and her new paedophile boyfriend. The police removed the protection of the children that social services had said was necessary. (read the report). This directly resulted in Alice being raped (TS) and sexually assaulted and sexually harassed (KR) and both children physically and emotionally abused.

Alice's mum was known for battering her children and had carried out vile acts like holding alice down, after battering her, and then spitting in Alice's mouth. Alice, Graham, dad, CAFCASS all reported this. Cheshire police say no such things happened - all because Alice refused to talk to the new social workers who wanted to force her to live with her mum only (CWAC social services spread man hatred, and the courts assist them in destroying families and taking children away from dads).

Cheshire police follow the policy of social services and spread hatred of men in matters of domestic violence. Janette McCormick openly pursues this.

Having gotten it all wrong at the start, because they are breaking policy and procedures in investigating and reporting crimes, Cheshire Police set out in a spiralling of crimes against Tom Dobbie. The police cronies in CPS, CWAC, judiciary, freemasons all join in putting the boot into Dobbie.

This and much more is hard evidenced. That's why Dutton criminally arranged to prevent Dobbie's evidence being heard. That's why time and again they remanded Dobbie into torture to try and suicide him. That's why the magistrates court declared the trial ultra vires. That's why the judges want almost no evidence to be heard.

End of page ' The hiding '.